
From childhood

From childhood,He could not be so-called ‘normal’.
He sometimes doesn’t understand ‘common sense’
and couldn’t behave as ‘normal’.
As a result, he seemed to be left behind by the ‘common world’.
But he was fascinated by charms of mundane things.
Bananas, flowers and vegetables were glittering in sunlight.
And he recorded it in photographs, using Quicksnap at that time.

Why Photographs?

He had resistance towards the atmosphere of immediately deeming something as “worthless, useless” simply because it differed from the so-called conventional notion of “value.”
And he also experienced distress when he couldn’t understand or accomplish things that are commonly expected or considered “normal” by others, with the assumption of “You should know/able to do this, right?”
He believed that even in the face of being dismissed by such conventional wisdom, there must be worth and precious charm in things that are considered “unique.”
His assertion is “Everything is precious and beautiful.”
He was influenced by photographers such as Edward Weston, Robert Mapplethorpe, and George Dureau.
They abolished the conventional way of viewing things and found charms in “unique (and often perceived as negative)” subjects through their own perspectives. They expressed that charm in a way that everyone could see and understand.
Tsutenkaku Boys found the path he should follow.

As a tribute to Edward Weston

Even in things that are labeled with negative terms such as “weaknesses” or “flaws,” if you change your perspective , they can exhibit charms that you have never noticed before. Even shortcomings can become strengths. He wants to convey that message.

Why Banana?

The reason for using bananas is because
1. they are readily available and are objects
2. often go unnoticed by most people.
It was good subject to bring out unnoticed charm previously.
